Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
In the final project of the first quarter of the architecture class, I designed social housing in the Yenimahale neighborhood. In line with the analyzes I made, I decided to make my concept on students. In the analyzes I made, I realized that there is no place where students can study, do club activities, give private lessons or go to a cafe in the Yenimahale neighborhood. In this direction, I divided the social housing into plus 2 and designed it as an education area and a cafe area. There was a cafe in one part and classrooms and a library in the other part. In residential buildings, there are three types of flats: single, double and triple. The plans of the apartments of the same type are different. There are 9 apartments in total, 3 on the first floor, 3 on the 2nd floor and 3 on the 3 floor. There are 2 different entrances to the residential building and they are connected by a bridge in between. In the façade of the building, I wanted to create a design by placing the carrier systems we learned in the lesson and extending some of the columns to the exterior of the building. At some points, I also used the false column system to make this design more harmonious. I often placed it in the windows of the outer façade of the building. While the windows in the social area were wider, I used a small and french balcony for the residence. It was a difficult process in general, but I think it ended properly.