Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Sude Dek
Living Wall is a project that emerged from the lack of green space in the Yenimahalle neighborhood based on my analysis. This Project applies the nature of green in my design in the most sustainable way, with vertical farming. It ensures that people can farm in their own homes by growing maximum products in the minimum area and contributing to their budgets by selling these products and creating local employment. In this way, I aimed to increase the well-being of the people in the neighborhood and the apartment residents. It creates a microclimate area by increasing the air quality with the living walls and it also its aimed to increase the biodiversity to the maximum level in the neighborhood. also used as facade design in vertical farming Projects. By increasing the window openings, it was ensured that the interior benefited from maximum light. In addition, the facade has reached its current appearance with techno wood coatings, which is a sustainable material. The corridors, which are in the shape designed in accordance with the structure of the area, are supported by window openings and the gallery space, ensuring maximum daylight absorption. Considering the majority of the people in this housing neighborhood, the number of single or double occupancy houses is higher in the design as there is usually a majority of students and elderly couples. While the Living Wall project appeals to all kinds of people, it is also a project that offers life and income opportunities for people who yearn for a garden in the city.