Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Location: Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri, Turkey
Programme: 917m² of social housing, multi-functional theater
The Interlock is a project that started as a study of social housing spaces, specifically in this case Unité d'habitation in Marseille by Le Corbusier while trying to integrate a similar idea on a smaller scale and in the context of Yeni Mahalle. The project is an adaptation to the urban layout of Yeni Mahalle and attempts to create another gathering point or landmark in the area in addition to the existing center of Yeni Mahalle. The facade of the building tries to adopt the existing ideas of the surrounding buildings and improve upon them without appearing too radical on the exterior while at the same time hiding the radical layout of the interior. The Interlock is basically a description of the community's interlocking and connection and the building's layout. The aim of the project is to experiment with the interactions of housing with the environment and connecting people through the interlocking configuration and visual connection. Additionally, a multi-purpose theater has been integrated into the project to bring the housing dwellers together with their surrounding community through theater acting or other creative and artistic expressions.
In conclusion, the Interlock is a compact, flexible, connected, and visible housing space that pushes people towards interaction at every possible chance while at the same time providing an affordable living space for the dwellers where they can feel safe and comfortable with a little sense of luxury that comes from its interlocking layout.