Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
In this project, we designed more than one residence and we solved a different plan for each of these residences. Although it was exciting to build a multi-story building where we had more than one residence for the first time, it was a very challenging process. In this project, which is a fast and drastic transition to the building dynamics we are newly familiar with, we were expected to determine an x factor in the spaces given to us and create apartments with different typologies and interior plans. Since our study area was Yenimahalle, the first case we encountered was the grid-divided island parcels and rectangular 3-storey buildings built on them. That's why I think there is a secret concept of avoiding becoming ordinary in this project. Apart from that, in my own project, I created my own inner street based on the data I obtained from the human flow analysis in order to escape from this mundaneness. Also, since I wanted to avoid similar facade designs and at the same time show the grid structure of the neighborhood on my façade, I took a more brutalist approach and did not apply any process on the structural system and finished the rest with a plain plaster. Apart from that, since the facades of my building are mostly on the sun-drenched facades, I aimed to break the sunlight with the metal profiles around my windows. Finally, it was very instructive for us that we had to solve different plan typologies in this project.