Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Şevval Heybet
I chose a veterinarian as my concept for the new neighborhood apartment project. According to the analyzes I made in the new neighborhood, there was no vet here, that’s why I chose a vet as a concept. According to the analyzes made, the houses in the new neighborhood were shaped according to the topography of the site. In addition, there are extentions in the upper part of the some buildings. Based on these analyses, I extended some flats outside and some flats inside to get the same sense. As a continuation of the form creation process, If we call these blocks A B AND C in the building that looks like three blocks, I placed the B part further back than the A part and the C part further back than the B part according to the topography of the land. The reason why I divided my form into three separate parts is to let more light in the houses by creating spaces between the blocks. Furthermore,on the façade design, the reason why I use french windows on the facade is to provide users with a more spacious environment in their rooms since there are no balconies in the houses. In additon, I analyzed the core system in the apartment at the back of the building. The purpose of this placement is to place the stairs on the west side and place the living areas in more sunny directions. In my landscape design, ıt was also shaped according to the analyzes I made. In the new neighborhood, there are types of houses with a garden in the front, a garden in the back, and the house in the middle with a garden around it. In this project, when we place the building according to the topography, a garden is formed on its sides. Also, in the house designs, there are 5 different types of flats in the apartment. These flats are 1+1 (55 m2), 2+1 (75 m2), 3+1 (90 m2), duplex (160 m2), mezzanine type (130 m2). In this design, different types of houses come on top of each other and side by side. Due to this placement of different apartments, extentions are formed on the façade.