Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Burak Esen
Yenimahalle is mainly populated by elderly people even though there are some educational buildings and a university near the location which are the things that increase the younger people's population in the area. When I made researched the location, I realized that Yenimahalle was so poor in the terms of providing a good place for young people, so students prefer going to other areas to spend time with their friends. In my concept, I tried to create a place for young people but also I realized that abandoning the elderly population in the area wouldn't be appropriate since they are the majority in the area. So that I decided to bring everyone together. And I wanted this place to serve something great such as a useful place for the community that we live in. So that I thought the human library concept would be great idea to serve such a purpose. In my project, one of the ground floors is dedicated to the human library, while the other ground floor has the lobby for the residents. The circulation system also takes place in the mass where the lobby exists, I aimed to create privacy by separating circulation system from the building that my plus activity takes part. The upper floors in the other mass are easily accessible via the bridge between the buildings.