Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
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Area is selected in Yeni Mahalle which is one of the oldest towns of Kayseri. In the history of Yeni Mahalle it is possible to see Gardencity model since 1970s which is the model that garden and building is combined together and creating an environment where people do not have to go far to have gardens. In this case, the project is also designed while considering the housing typology of Yeni Mahalle. The form is decided while considering the houses near the selected area. Since the area is covered with buildings, U shape is first proposed to create a semi-public area and also creating a garden. After U shape is discussed, the middle part of the shape is elevated to create more space and for aesthetics. On the point where this U shape with elevated middle part is not enough, it is decided to add extensions to frond and the behind of the middle part. Factor x is decided while making site analysis. Since the area is near to university, high school and also elementary school, it is decided that bookstore and a study area would be beneficial for the area.
After all of these are decided, design of the garden is discussed. It is decided to keep it simple because of the function of factor x. it would be beneficial to crate soft, relaxing and green area in the garden for people who live in the building and visitors from outside who comes to bookstore or study area. In term of windows, circular form that are on top of the windows are added to soften the sharp edges of the building. Wide windows are chosen to get sunlight as much as possible. Additional entrance is added for study area since building has semi-public spaces which could be uncomfortable for people who come to study.