Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Hande Çadırcı
The circulation areas between the buildings have been harmonized with the street culture and the purpose of the social housing project, which has interesting activities for ensuring continuity of the Yeni Mahalle buildings themselves, as well as for the ground floor functions with its remarkable architecture and facade design.
with different flat plan types and and free usage areas as well as revitalizing the streets of the city that stays behind from the center is aremarkable residential project in which intertwined functions complement each other with a safe and peaceful living space, as well as various playgrounds, cafes and working areas. One of the fundamental goals of the design is to arrange various types of living spaces that unique and also seperated from each other. after the design process which begins with the joining of simple shapes on top of each other and combining them in such a presentable way with the utilization of the residual flow for socialising on the ground floor level with residential ares on the upper levels.