Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Hüeyin Karamercan
This project is located on an area of 1408 square meters on 3548th Street in Yenimahalle. The residence is not built high-rise to respect the surrounding old buildings; It consists of 4 floors with its plus feature. This residence, which has 10 flats in total, is designed for different users. There are 180-190 square meters large 2-bathroom apartments for families, 1+1 studio and one-bathroom apartments for single people or students, and 130-140 square-meter houses with 2-bathrooms for academics or couples. The form of the house was designed by starting from the intersection of the streets where it is located. In each of the flats, wide or narrow balconies are designed according to the number of users. In addition, there is a common area in the building. This place is made available for children's playgrounds during the summer months and for building meetings in the evenings when needed. The plus feature of the building consists of a museum and a cafe. Both areas are open to the public and their entrances are different from the building entrance. In this way, the public space and the private space are kept separate from each other. In the museum section, exhibitions reflecting the culture of the Sumerian cloth factory and Yenimahalle are held. Fabrics belonging to former Sümerbank employees were carefully stored and allowed people to examine them. The cafe section was put into use as a resting area after the museum tour. There are seating areas outside of the cafe, which also has seating areas inside. People can sit wherever they want according to their wishes and the season. Instead of being surrounded by walls like other houses, a more natural border has been created with grasses reaching 1.50 in length. In this way, the residence and the park at the back provided a natural meeting. The façade of the building is made of exposed concrete and wooden frames. It was also used to create a colonnaded road on the wooden entrance floor. In addition to serving as a column, these woods are designed as a shelter to protect people from adverse weather conditions, sun or wind by forming a colonnaded road. This walking path is located in front of the museum and cafe, and it is aimed to attract people's attention.