Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Ezgi Zeynep Sarıkaya
In my Project, I started with a rectangular shape in order to not ruin the silhouette of yenimahalle. Protect the existing one. Then I added some movements to the shape. With extensions, it made a stronger 3d feeling of the shape. It was a little bit challenging because of my area shape. I thought that it was hard to design. On the other hand, ıt is a corner point of yenimahalle and it needs to be used very efficiently. My function is reading place. I choose this because according to my analysis, there is not much socializing space in the neighborhood. Also, there are so many middle/high schools and even universities around the area. On the other hand, I tried to create a combination of residential and commercial areas with the functions of my spaces. It goes from a commercial area to a residential area. The same purpose for the not separating entrance of functions. Also, there is a public area near the entrance of the reading place which is people can spend their time socializing. They can take their coffee or snacks from the mini café and spend time either in a reading place or that public area. Also for my landscape design, I tried to create a very well-designed landscape for the landscape of the reading place. Since it is open for the 3 sides of it it is important to its landscape. It is also a separating layer for my area from other buildings around the area. For my plans, I put the living area and bedrooms on the side of the building which gets the most of the light during the day. Plans are shaped according to that.