Housing + in Yeni Mahalle, Kayseri
Ömer Kul
Project start with analyzing Yenimahalle neighborhood. Historical background, demographic features, accessibility, and function of Yenimahalle have been analyzed. As results, Yenimahalle had different type of users over year. It has a square placed in crossing of main roads. The square has commercial use and it frequently used by people living in neighborhood and students nearby. The selected site for project placed in one of the main roads crossing with Yenimahalle Square. Also, the site connects with bazaar by another road. A place contributes this commercial function of the neighborhood considered as suitable for the site. On the ground floor series of stores with different functions can create another trade center but these shops should be suitable for changing user type of Yenimahalle. For this reason, interior design of the stores left to user’s choice. It can be an office for lawyer, a café with park view or a bakery. These stores and housing units are placed on a grid plan consist of 3x3 squares. While placing the stores, wide entrance gaps are left to allow the human traffic to courtyard of the building. It creates corridors with shops on sides. The vertical circulation units placed on toward these entrances and inside this courtyard. A unit with 3x3x3m dimensions has determined as a base unit. Commercial and housing units has created with multiplying the base unit. Horizontal circulation has provided with corridors which is connecting housing units to vertical circulation units. Surface between these corridors has leaved empty so it creates a courtyard inside the building. The flying corridors provide dynamic atmosphere inside the courtyard. The roof consisting of 6x6 blocks, also contributes the modularity of the building.