Contemporary Avanos
Youssra Kabbou
The concept of this high school project was developed after observing the pattern of the city and following it to develop the circulation of the design. It took into consideration the opinion of the people of the city who love the originality of Avanos. So it felt right to have a high school that takes care of the tradition and develops it to work better with the present-day taste which is why I chode contemporary pottery as the informal education for the high school of 100 students.
The design incorporates language from the city, from the volume of some parts of the building or the landscape, or the bridge connecting the two terraces and works as primary circulation axes.
The students would mostly need students from all the courses of the curriculum the classes would only be used for language learning purposes.
The high school will have public activities as well depending on some programs other than the education given. This is why the design holds numerous flexible areas that would be used depending on the need, such as the open-air workshop that links two studios.
The usage of the material is a mixture of the traditional Avanos stone, with the contemporary concrete.
As the building and its close surroundings followed a linear flow the landscape was designed more circular to provide contrast which would attract more attention.
The most interesting part of the building would be the exhibition that is used to exhibit students' work or host foreign works for educational purposes. The exhibition hall could be accessed from all axes and could be used for the open-air exhibitions which could be watched from the seating stairs, so people could enjoy the weather, the river, and a good sense of art.