Performance High School
Buse Yılmaz
Avanos is a region with a historical background that needs to be examined. Kızılırmak passing through its center divides the region into two different settlements. On the opposite side of our area, there is the region where the irregular settlement dominates, which is home to the old settlement area of the city. When we look from our field to the opposite side, an image that gives us a viewing pleasure meets us. On the other hand, the side where we are located is the side that is mostly composed of new settlements and where regular settlement is dominant.
Performance High School is a project that focuses on Alpha and Generation Z. Performance High School aims to contribute to the technological and social development of young people. An art high school in the center of Avanos, on the edge of the Kızılırmak, which includes both virtuality and reality. As an art school, it includes digital art education and performance art education as well as traditional formal education. It has a training capacity of approximately 150 people. It consists of an administrative and trainer staff of approximately 20 people.
The school consists of 5 separate buildings, one of which is the black box. Performance art students are performing in the black box. A free theater area was created with a small black box form in order to watch the small shows of the students. Access to the black box is provided from 3 buildings, there is no direct connection to the ground. The buildings located around the black box are the buildings where formal education is given, digital art education is given, performance art education is given, and the library and cafeteria.