Connection Highschool
Connection High School provides an education system for preserving the local identity of Avanos and its local people. Avanos district has its own architectural texture, culture and nature. There is an Avanos that is progressing on a community road and district road that is becoming unconscious day by day. In order to eliminate this unconsciousness even a little bit, Connection High School informs its students about this beautiful region and uses an education system intertwined with the local people to learn about their culture. There is a common dining hall used by the public and students in order to protect local food, on the other hand, there is a common library to increase interaction. It has an architectural touch that aims to attract public people to the exhibition areas in the school district by determining centralist common points. In addition to formal education, it also provides informal education. As the architectural structure of the classrooms, there is a system that opens to the exhibition areas, so it is possible for the students and the people of Avanos gathered for the exhibition to interact together and transfer their knowledge to their students. "CittaSlow", an institution recognized by the states around the world, is an institution established to protect the architectural texture of the avalanche, to protect its local dishes and products, to survive in the globalizing world of this vibrant region in today's conditions. Connection High School has adapted the values preserved by Citta Slow to its education and training system in order to protect these values. Connection High School provides an education system for preserving the local identity of Avanos and its local people. Avanos district has its own architectural texture, culture and nature. There is an Avanos that is progressing on a community road and district road that is becoming unconscious day by day. In order to eliminate this unconsciousness even a little bit, Connection High School informs its students about this beautiful region and uses an education system intertwined with the local people to learn about their culture. There is a common dining hall used by the public and students in order to protect local food, on the other hand, there is a common library to increase interaction. It has an architectural touch that aims to attract public people to the exhibition areas in the school district by determining centralist common points. In addition to formal education, it also provides informal education. As the architectural structure of the classrooms, there is a system that opens to the exhibition areas, so it is possible for the students and the people of Avanos gathered for the exhibition to interact together and transfer their knowledge to their students. "CittaSlow", an institution recognized by the states around the world, is an institution established to protect the architectural texture of the avalanche, to protect its local dishes and products, to survive in the globalizing world of this vibrant region in today's conditions. Connection High School has adapted the values preserved by Citta Slow to its education and training system in order to protect these values.