The Avanos High School
Marwah Talib Akram Al Anssari
The people in Avanos had an opinion about the education their children receive, After making some interviews a particular comment stuck with me after the interview, parents believe that the teaching method is like a robotic system, it sows the idea of what a student should be in the future without giving the right directions and necessary knowledge on how to be that goal. And so the aim of my design is to create a high school that in addition to the critical classes teaches lessons such as math, English, etc. The school will have an engaging building-user relationship, it will focus on a human-centered design, spatial qualities that stimulate a flexible interaction between students' own initiatives, curiosity, learning, and play, and workshops where students can learn about career choices and their content, allowing them to choose their further education.
The building has a unique colorful glass façade that will help to stimulate students’ psychology and create a special area for them to interact. The high ceiling central lunch hall provided by the glass facade will have an atmospheric feeling with it the clear view of the river from the front, the central courtyard was designed in a flexible way that students can utilize as their wish and with the reflection of the sun on the colored glass panels it enhances the need to experience the journey in there. The presence of a public library, across the school, with glass panels on its roof, boosts students' passion to learn by providing a space outside of classes to utilize even during their day off. Providing all these diverse spaces for students can give them a boost to utilize the school outside their school time. The other public building, located south of the site, holds exhibition areas that students can share their works in and show this can enhance their enthusiasm to learn, and auditorium space where they can conduct their theater passion and share it with the people in Avanos.