Digital Art School
Betül Yekrek
The complex, consisting of 4 main structures, has basically 3 components; Art school, Formal education, digital art school. and it consists of a refectory and a library building, which is necessary for them. the corridors, which are intertwined with the main axis, provide circulation between Dec directly through this corridor. The corridors providing this main axis rise in some places and turn into open spaces and continue inside the buildings so that the structures
It creates new spaces inside and out. the corridor system connects all functional zones to form a solid unit. Among such zones there are not only Deckhouses, but also playgrounds, sports grounds and green areas. the forms created by taking reference lines from the city scale of the local region are opposed to the uniform square shapes of the region. On the other hand, it breaks this contradiction at some point with the facade material used. In general, the school has not been torn from the ground, both due to the environmental character of the area and as a design line. In this sense, settlement on the land is also provided through a horizontal axis. this linear axis, which was imaginary at the design stage, was given size with corridors. the landscape design of the terrain is also shaped around this main axle. the decisions of the buildings on the land are sorted from general use to private use. Parking, dining hall and formal education facilities meet us at the entrance. then they are sorted into art school, digital art and library. In this way, an increasingly specialized flow is provided naturally. It will be convenient for the users of the school to make this distinction in the buildings that have become open to the public with areas such as galleries, libraries, exhibitions. The school has an overall effective design and utility. The building design comes from the site itself, with a focus on the environment, social responsibility and sustainability. This is to ensure that students in Digital Art schools can experience an ideal learning environment in which modern facilities do not compromise on the relevant and comfortable feeling of the space.