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Performing School In Avanos
Meryem Aksamaz

 There are not enough activities related to music and dance in Avanos. There is no place for young people who want to head into this field. Since social activities are insufficient in Avanos, they cannot do anything except go to school and spend time in the cafe. For this reason, I think that the young people living here need a different space. They can improve themselves in the field of music and dance and acquire new hobbies. Also, this school can contribute to tourism in Avanos. People coming to Avanos are interested in the historical texture of this place. That's why one side of the Red River is more active and lively than the other. There has to be something here that attracts people to enliven the other side of the river. Those who come from abroad or from outside the city can have a fun time by taking a short dance or music training here. Dance and music-related activities can be done for people living in Avanos. At certain times of the year, festivals can be organized where students will perform. I think the market place might be suitable for this festival area. 


 Those who study here will receive both formal and art education together. Dance and music lessons will start with the easiest beginner class. After students pass this class, they will move on to medium difficulty classes where they learn more difficult music and dance. After completing this level, they will go to the master class. Students who pass this class will make their own choreographies and compose their songs. In addition, these students will play an active role in the organization of dance and shows at certain times of the year and gain a sense responsibility. 

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