Design-TECH High School
Soner Yıldız
Avanos, which is divided into two by the Kızılırmak river, consists of two sides. One side is old, and the other is new. The area offered to us acts as a buffer in the middle of these two sides. Architecturally, the old settlements have a more historical texture, while the new settlement is in a more classical and conventional architecture. While designing my design, I tried to adopt an understanding that would contradict this traditional and historical texture.
It is possible to interpret the "Design-TECH" high school that I designed as the meeting of technology with vocational high schools apart from regular high schools. Students at Design Tech High School develop an understanding of key concepts and skills in academic content areas, while applying their content knowledge and skills to deeper learning opportunities based on the unique requirements of being a citizen of the modern world. In addition, all D-Tech students take a 4-year Design course in design thinking and problem solving.
Since my main focus in my design is to create collecting spaces, there are 7 rising and interconnected masses that are spaced around two circular centers. These spaces, which are separated from each other as public and school use, are designed to meet the needs of both students and guests from outside. conference hall, library, cafe, main education building, virtual reality classes as a part of my concept and other supporting buildings. Since mobility is my focus in façade design, I designed it so that people can pass between these façades and in addition, I made the roofs sloped to increase dynamism.