Housing + in Hürriyet, Kayseri
Serra Zeren / Health+
This housing project is in Yeniköy. The neighborhood has a lot of small and public parks. Also, a spacious and lively park is right next to the building’s location with basketball and football courts. I observed most of the parks are not taking interest of the people and wanted to change this. The project aims to make these spaces more active by proposing an activity route concentrating on sports and healthy lifestyle.
The plus section turns the building into the center of activities routes surrounding it. Plus section consist of two main parts: an healthcare center and a fitness center. In the healthcare center people can check their blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, BMI (Body Maas Index), cholesterol level by themselves or if wanted with of a nurse. After the check up person is given a rapport of their condition and necessary directed to necessary facilities. If preferred, they can also be given a program for applying in their daily life or in the fitness center. There are also some seminars or small talks by doctors, nutritionists and other health care professionals.
Fitness center on the ground floor of the building is designed for the users to heave an efficient and relaxed time during their work sessions. The back garden of the building offers a private and fresh socializing area during the breaks. The space is also connected to the healthcare center by a door for users to speak with experts for their diets, programs, etc. or in case of any unfortunate accidents happened and needed first aid.
Housing part of the building is also designed for motivating the residents to a healthier life. Glass covered entrance highlighting the stairs and lures the people to use them more frequently. All units are designed residents physically and mental health in thought. Wide and spacious terraces give people opportunities to spent more time in outside hence having more time of daylight and fresh air.