Housing + in Hürriyet, Kayseri
Bera Meriç Çağdaş/ Hürriyet Bookhouse
Hürriyet Bookhouse is a building that aims to bring the neighborhood people and rest of the city together. Designer tried to build a more unique building as it’s functions. For example, some meeting rooms has been designed to pull the study groups or some private study rooms to create an attraction to people who love to study in silent. The building has design which shapes around the main stair of bookhouse. Death places that occur on top of the stair used as a sitting place right on the landing platform. For the housing part, three different units of flats has been designed; first one of them is home office, second one is non-child couple and the last one is a family with one or two kids. As the form of building, we can see more cubic shapes. The design way of this building is adding dynamism to massive cubic volumes by mess moves. On the upper floors of building, we can see some huge mess moves and this mess moves have been used as open and semi-open spaces like terraces etc. As landscaping a mirror of interior part used on the courtyard. Reading/sitting walls have been designed to give chance of reading outside to users. For car parking a large car parking unit designed on the basement floor for housing part’s users and other parking lots we can see right next to road that on front of the building designed for bookhouse users.