Housing + in Hürriyet, Kayseri
Burhan Özdemir / Interactive Gaming
The residential + commercial residential block is located in the 'Hürriyet Neighbourhood'. In this neighbourhood, which is one of the old settlements of Kayseri. This project aims to combine different types of plans in a single building block with inclusive design and to present them with a public function.
On the ground floor of the building, there is a playground with a public unifying space function, and next to the playground, there is a cafeteria offering natural products to the region. The interactive playhouse, a social housing project, takes advantage of the density of the young population and the density of schools in the region to create a gathering place with a park behind it and a playground inside the building. It is intended not to keep the playground only indoors, but to combine it with a semi-outdoor area and provide integrity to the environment. The slide, which is one of the highlights of the project, provides a direct transition from the building to the park in a vertical circulation. By using the playground in the landscape of the park, the park aims to give users an interactive gaming experience and make the park a more entertaining environment.
There are eight apartments on three floors and four different types of houses in this social housing project: large two-bedroom and small two-bedroom apartments, one-bedroom and double-story apartments. An indoor parking lot is serving this residence. Concrete was used as a facade cladding on the facade of the building, and the apartments in the extension of the building were highlighted with green zinc panels.