Housing + in Hürriyet, Kayseri
Hande Çadırcı / The Cave
The design process I made within the scope of the social housing project, which was selected as a concept during the design phase, and the project itself are shown on posters throughout this period.
As a result of the synthesis information brought together around the data obtained during the analysis and data collection in the Hürriyet neighborhood, which is the location of the project area, it was brought together with the subjective aspect of my design and placed in the work area.
With the underground library that does not disrupt the neighborhood typology and distinguishes itself, the façade and mass design of the project has been carefully designed for users to adopt without displaying a rebellious attitude in the work area.
My project, which has polished itself in accordance with the neighborhood structure and wants to impose its social functions on the neighborhood with its dignified attitude, offers its users an advantageous living experience in different aspects on each floor, with the housing plans arranged according to the unit differences and facades in the residential floors.
In the design of the oval staircase leading to the underground library, an attempt was made to create a sense of direction with green areas as well as seating areas for its users. The aim of this slit and cavity design, which is hidden from different angles and directions and has been tried to appear in the most striking way to the human eye, is to provide a calm and serene working experience, away from the distracting effects of the neighborhood.
The restaurant function placed on the ground is a socialization place open to the whole neighborhood, just like the library.
The general purpose of the project is to present itself in a dignified way with underground designs and not to disrupt the social and physical texture in the neighborhood itself and the spirit of the project neighborhood.