Housing + in Hürriyet, Kayseri
Nesibe Dilan Yiğit / Tetris Housing
This design is inspired from the site visit to Hürriyet neighborhood after seeing people from several cultures living together. After seeing them living in harmony in their way, “tetris” concept was decided to be implemented of the social housing design. After the concept was decided, the design process started with core and housing units. The idea behind it was placing housing units around a single core while extending the hallways to create semi-open socializing places for the building residents. By just extending the hallways a little at the end of the hallways, balcony-like places were implemented to the design to make building residents to meet and relax apart from their houses. Larger open terrace was designed on the last floor of the building to create a place where all residents can meet and socialize. Stepped form was chosen to give the effect of “tetris” while balancing the extensions with semi-open terraces on the floors.
For the plus function on the ground floor, arcade game room and a STEM room was decided to link it with the building design after seeing the young generation in the neighborhood not having social places for them apart from the parks. With the thought of arcade games could be informative about STEM values while having fun, STEM room was added to the design to make arcade games to be fun and informative at the same time. Study desks were added for people to study on computers to design these games. Apart from the STEM room, ordinary arcade games were added to the arcade room after searching their effects on learning STEM values.
Finally, after all of these were decided and designed with the relations with each other, social housing design was completed.