Social Gathering Space at Büyükada
Selime Erikli 3. Place in Büyükada
The basis of the project concept is based on "tertiary spaces", an architectural philosophy. Tertiary spaces is an architectural term used by sociologist Ray Oldenburg and refers to places where people spend time between home (the 'primary' place) and work (the 'secondary' place). They are places where we exchange ideas, have a good time and establish relationships. Based on this theory, the design was designed to increase social interaction. Within the scope of this concept, spaces that appeal to people from different segments of society and bring them together with common interests have been created. The daily activities of the people of Büyükada were examined and spaces that were more flexible, suitable for shared use, and more entertaining were designed for them. The aim was to create perspectives from as many different elevations as possible, to diversify the circulation in the space and make it fun. It was planned according to the needs of the Third Place by redesigning the existing materials used in Büyükada. It was designed with masonry stone and wood on the facade. This harmony was inspired by the facade designs of Büyükada. In the façade design, references were made to the current layout of the big island by emphasizing the building entrances.