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This place I designed for the public garden is a digital sports area. Due to its location in the middle of sports fields, this design creates an alternative sports area. It is located close to the entrance, in the middle of places such as basketball courts, tennis courts and bicycle paths. Its purpose is to be an indoor area suitable for all age groups who want to do sports or experience having fun by doing sports. Inside the area, you can ride a bike with virtual reality glasses, walk on the treadmill, or play any game you want in the screen areas (tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc.). People who have experienced this area will use the fields in the park more effectively. There is a information desk inside the area that will greet you. This consultation will assist you by giving you your virtual reality glasses. There is a topography surrounding the area. This area provides the opportunity to watch the fields in a shadier and cooler way thanks to the shade of the trees. The semi-open spaces on the side are designed for people coming from the bicycle path to park their bicycles and sit. Being in touch with nature, continuing the topography, providing shade from trees and having patterns symbolizing tree roots on its exterior have created a place in natural form.

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