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LaborLab Kadıköy
/Soner Yıldız

Workers constitute one of the fundamental pillars of society, yet the difficulties they often face are frequently overlooked. A range of issues such as low wages, long working hours, precarious employment, and poor working conditions can make their lives challenging. However, workers frequently come together to demand their rights and to fight for fairer conditions. Improving working conditions and protecting workers' rights are essential elements of a just society, and this struggle is strengthened by the solidarity of workers. This project, designed with this aim in mind, takes on the role of an agency that plays a leading role in resolving people's problems. In addition to containing relaxation areas and open and closed conference rooms, it includes counseling offices for people in need of psychological support and therapy and activity rooms. Additionally, it includes units necessary for political interaction and media integration. Furthermore, interaction with people is emphasized through a garden that invites people from all walks of life.

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