Urban Farming_Green Interest/Ezgi Bayram
Consumption has increased with the increasing population in the world. With this increased consumption, there has been an increase in CO2 emissions. Many stages release toxic gases and produce waste in the process of products produced in the fields until they reach the consumer. This project is an urban agriculture project aimed at reducing this problem, as in many parts of the world. Garden roofs and the transition of agriculture from horizontal to vertical, which are on the new agenda in Istanbul, strengthen the starting point of this project. This project aims to bring together the government and the public for a green and sustainable cause. From the exterior, people are greeted by 100% recycled copper panels. At the same time, it was aimed to attract people's attention in a "green" sense with the terracing structure and the green areas used and to explain the functioning of this project to people with various experiential exhibition areas, education and work areas. Designed with a façade that does not distort the city's silhouette, this building is terraced in the opposite direction to benefit directly from sunlight. At the same time, soilless plant shops for urban agriculture, soilless plant growing laboratories, and a setup to provide these experiences to people have been created. There is an external staircase circulation and plant atrium following this setup. I aimed to read the combination by creating corridors at the junction points of the buildings in the interior spaces.