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According to the requirements of the term project, a Governance Hall will be built in a location with significant scenic potential on Kadıköy Rıhtım Street. The Govern-Academia project responds to the needs of this building planned to be implemented in Kadıköy with the concept of university-municipal cooperation. Within the scope of the project, opportunities will be offered to young entrepreneurs and investors. Various areas such as technology transfer offices, R&D units, consultancy and evaluation offices will be created. In addition, light green lecture halls for co-working units, meeting rooms, round table rooms and forums where investors, municipalities and academics can make joint presentations will also be included in the project. This comprehensive project will be implemented to promote innovation and cooperation in Kadıköy. The main goal of the project is to create a strong synergy between both local governments and academic circles. Thus, new opportunities will arise for young entrepreneurs and investors, and technology and knowledge transfer will accelerate. Governance Hall will become an important symbol of Kadıköy and contribute to the economic and social development of the region. This project will also serve as an example of a sustainable and innovative urbanization model.

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