Inte-Generation Hub /Nurullah Sürekçi
The concept of an inte-generation hub revolves around creating a community space where people of all ages can come together to participate in a variety of activities, share resources and foster mutual support. These centers are designed to bridge the gap between different generations, promoting understanding, collaboration and a sense of community.
An intergenerational center is a dynamic and inclusive space designed to bring people of all ages together, encouraging interaction, learning and mutual support. This concept not only enhances individual well-being but also strengthens the fabric of society as a whole.
The spatial features adopted for the project concept were designed in an open-plan installation to strengthen this interaction. Each activity area is designed in harmony and interaction with each other. The flow designed on the ground floor supports social interaction and works together with the forum on the basement floor. From the ground to the upper floors, spaces and functions begin to become special. However, each floor is visually and spatially connected to each other thanks to gallery spaces.