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PDP Social Innovation Hub/ Rabia Yigit

According to the synthesis studies on the urban scale, it is seen that Kayseri is a promising city in terms of furniture production and national/international distribution of products when regional and national development are considered. Even though the presence of several universities and Teknopark, it is seen that research&development level is insufficient for a city that has potential. In this project, it is aimed to boost city empowerment by focusing on the potential of furniture production capacity to expand collaboration beyond regional, national, and international levels. For this, it is proposed a mockup space configuration, including a 3D prototyping space, training area, co-working space, and a showroom area, to develop innovative furniture samples. Moreover, these spaces enable prototyping, demoing, and exhibiting through the collaboration of cross-sectors and a variety of actors. According to the synthesis on the site scale, it is seen that site is divided by an old madrasa building, and it is located nearby a very crowded and busy boulevard. Thus, it is proposed to create a pause point on the selected site area to break the wall effect throughout İnönü Boulevard and make the Hatuniye Madrasa visible from the street side. As a concept, a symbiotic relationship is proposed to create a connection between Hatuniye Madrasa and the new social hub building by locating a new courtyard, which is a formation Madrasa has. With the new courtyard, a simple way to keep them apart, an interdependent plan configuration is aimed.   

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