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Sociopark/Fatma Nur Kanık


In global scale, the world is in a state of rapid change and transformation. Developed countries are trying to reach Society 5.0 from Industry 4.0. In local scale,there are social and economic community problems due to the rapid change  in the Central Anatolia region. Kayseri is an industrial and commercial center, and the people of Kayseri are productive. However, awareness and consciousness have not been established in society. There is a need for a social impact center where consciousness is created and solutions are produced. 



Sociopark is the social innovation Research and Development Center that connects ıdea developers, entrepreneurs,NGO’s, İnvestors and local authorities in order to produce innovative and technological solutions to economic social and cultural problems in soceity.Sosyopark is the place that provides the connection between the technological development in Industry 4.0 and Soceity 5.0.(Super smart soceity).It is kind a idea factory. 


1/1000 SITE DECISIONS-The buildings other than the madrasa were demolished because they damaged the fabric of the cultural heritage and restricted the access and visibility of the madrasa.-The main axes were determined and the intersection point was designed as an interface greenery.- The axle from the square was pedestrianized to make the historical buildings more inclusive and "impact street" was proposed.- A bicycle path continuing along the cultural route has been proposed.-Vehicle entry was proposed from the back street, where traffic is not heavy. 


1/ 500 SITE DECISIONS-The madrasa was transformed into a participation space where awareness was created. -The sociopark where the research and design were carried out was placed in such a way as to surround the madrasa. -Event venues that provide interaction and togetherness within the mass have been designed. -A ‘system’ is created where events, spaces and flows weave into each other, blurring their boundaries between public and private through a creatively ramified public circulation with multiple points of access, identified through its orange metallic material. 



In the plans, the front parts of the masses are designed as flexible, hybrid, and interactive spaces, while the back parts are intended as private spaces. In the sections, dynamism was gained by making projections and gallery gaps. In the elevations, the balance was achieved by changing the material color between floors, and attraction was provided with a geometrically constructed bridge and elevator. 



A double-skin permeable facade was preferred to provide ventilation in the interior and to achieve a contemporary appearance. In addition, a kinetic facade design has been proposed using the rhino. 

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