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GATE432/Dilara Pamuk

The site area is located in Cumhuriyet Neighborhood of Kayseri, Turkey within the boundaries of Kocasinan District, historical, economical and cultural center of the city.The proximity between city center, city walls and Grand Bazaar provides a significant attraction to the site area. The commercial and historical areas are dominant in the site area. Hatuniye Madrasa has a significant position in the site area. It was built by Nasıreddin Mehmed, one of the Dulkadiroğulları, in 1432.  Today its reuse purpose is just a storage area for a construction equipment company. Adaptive reuse of this building should be reconsidered. 

GATE432 is a project that even its name refers to the historical background of site area. Fort he scope of this project, the main subject is innovation center so, it aims to make open people to innovations and provide regional developments. The madrasa in the middle is the starting point for the project and its concept is based on the map of Gabriel. The map includes the doors of Kayseri and one of them is Boyacıkapı, was nearby our site area. Thanks to this link, an abstraction of door idea emerged and the site silhouette was also considered to decide the shape. Catching the site level and being calm in the middle where is the place of madrasa, that is the issue. The angular forms created by these level differences and the whole structure designed as a triangular frames which are welded to the main system.  

The project includes 3 main buildings, social hub, impact hub and café. The social hub includes 2 floors, the entrance floor includes some innovative activities, VR experience area, a digital art tunnel which reaches to madrasa with a nice experience and hybrid event space is a flexible one users can arrange accordingly. The upper floor includes the brainstorming corners. The madrasa includes some booths for different firms, temporary usage, they can come and present themselves to society. On the other hand at the corner, the madrasa connected with the impact hub with a tea-talk area. The impact hub is a place for students, researchers mostly, they can develop some ideas and share with the managers. 

The buildings almost have same language, a gallery space for interaction between the floors, the shell structure differences in the upper floor and interior organization according to that. The building is more than a proper building , it aims to be a symbolic door between the old and new. 

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