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Habitat of Istanbul

Habitat refers to the place where living things live, it can be in an ocean or a piece of tree bark. There are a general disrespect and disregard for the habitat in the world. People only live in the universe and act with the thought that all possibilities are limitless. Likewise, there are some problems with nature in Istanbul. We must protect nature because we are also a part of it, and if we do not respect other living things and live as if we are ourselves, we will eventually be doomed to remain alone in the universe and perish in the balance we have disturbed.


Habitat of Istanbul is a research center where such problems are investigated, habitats where living beings live are examined under 3 headings, and solutions can be offered. It is subdivided into air, water, and soil habitat, and they all have laboratories. The research center, which also includes public spaces, aims to raise awareness of people and not to make the same mistakes by using conferences and simulation rooms. The research center, which also includes services such as cafes and libraries to attract people to the field and increase social spaces, leads the way in the study of habitats and transferring them to the participants. The exhibition area in the cafe and the simulation room, which is accessible from the library and the central courtyard, are designed for easy access and use by all citizens.


According to the research contents and the scope of the subjects, more space was allocated to the soil habitat, then the water and then the air habitat. The upper floors were designed as completely belonging to researchers and were designed in such a way that there would be no people passing except for researchers above 4.5 level. Entrances to the conference hall were given from the central courtyard and everyone was easily accessible. The stairs, which are used to reach the middle area from the 4 level, allow outdoor activities at different times by using the empty space in front of it. The arch openings that allow the passage between the aqueduct and the project area provide continuity with the green wall on the back wall of the conference hall and the vines wrapped in the arch and create a potential to attract people to the area. It is aimed to transform the area between Gazanferağa madrasah and the cafe from a dead street into a lively street by placing the sitting tables of the cafe.

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