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Rabia Yiğit

Based on the analyses and syntheses from the given site area, it is observed that the site area has several significant aspects with respect to its location. It is seen that the site area was a link between older settlement Yenimahalle neighborhood and newer settlement Yenişehir neighborhood. Moreover, it also has a strong relationship between the AGU Sumer campus and AGU Student Village. Based on these syntheses, it is aimed to create an urban threshold between the AGU campus and Student Village in this Children's University project. The target age group was chosen as 7-11 years old. To be able to support their cognitive improvement, spaces were designed depending on playing, reading, producing, and exhibiting. To connect the AGU campus and Student Village, two different entrances were provided, which are rotated towards them.  As the principal design concept, to be able to create a design threshold, spaces were aimed to blur in a flow. To create a continuation and flexibility between spaces, a central atrium form was chosen, with which all open-closed spaces have a direct & indirect relation with there, including workshops, a cafeteria, library, open playground, and other facilities. Besides, the cafeteria and library are connected to each other physically, by locating playing chess and relaxing area between them. As a structural element, steel columns and beams were used since blurred and flexible spaces have wide span distance. Since all workshops were opened directly to the atrium space, stage platforms were located at the center to create an area for indoor activities and exhibitions. While these elevated platforms can be used for exhibition purposes, they can be also used as the stage for creative drama activities. To create a visual connection from the atrium to the workshops, sliding glass doors were preferred. Furthermore, to connect the entrances for students of AGU Student Village and AGU, which are connected to the atrium space directly, a passage was design. For the exterior façade materials, metal panels were chosen as the main cladding element. However, created passageways were highlighted with different cladding material, rusted steel panels. Since large windows were preferred to create a visual connection between existing greenery and interiors, to prevent direct sun penetration, vertical rusted steel bars were designed as a shading element. To create a light and spacious interior environment, the atrium part was covered with a skylight. To highlight this volume, smart glass was preferred for the roof structure as a technological option. The panes can prevent sun glare since direct sunlight can be a problem for users during the summertime in Kayseri. Furthermore, the same vertical shading elements that were used in the façade were preferred to cover the atrium interruptedly. For the landscape, the open playground was located where the existing trees were dense to create a natural playing setting for the children. On the other hand, park areas for cars and bikes were located where the existing threes were sparse. In the face of the library area, benches and pergola were located to create an open sitting area for parents and children.  

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