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Şükrü Durak
KINDERGARTEN, SCHOOL, COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY... Those all mean a space to learn. On the other hand, in the pure imagination of a child, those educational spaces are the spaces where new friends get together in a new environment to play, to be activated.
A child university design may refer to the needs and expectations of children. They expect to continue their games in a new environment with new friends. However, facing many duties and rules that can restrict them could be a disaster for them.
So, children could expect a self environment that they produce with their friends, games, and activities. Huge-craftalier, as a self-learning children university, offers children an environment that education can continue all over the spaces from the corridors to semi-open workshops that face hugelkultur gardening activities.
According to my analyses, still, a lively environment exists in the Seyrani and Yeni neighbourhood. It seems that children's free time activity is playing on the streets when we look at Google maps. Thus, they tend to explore around. When I consider the AGU and its social, functional environment, there should be a shared point like Huge-craftalier children university for children to attend exhibitions, watch them while going on the street, smell the Hugekultur's natural vegetables, fruits and flowers.
While creating the concept, it is paid certain attention to the visual connection with neighbourhoods and placed Hugelkultur gardening to those connections, so that local people and children of near neighbourhoods can see, feel, smell them and interact with AGU and children.
Then what is hugelkultur? It is a kind of gardening activity that children bury the ruins from workshops under the ground and those natural ruins like wooden could be fertilizer and raised garden beds will be created to grow foods, vegetables, flowers. After growing those, children cook them in the cooking workshops to eat them together.
The self-learning process, learning by doing, playing, trying covers all the spaces. In the workshops areas, children paint, sculpt, works with wood and various materials. Then, remainings from the workshops such as unwanted wood parts will be buried under the ground and it will be a recycling process, at the same time, children grow whatever they want on those gardens. After growing them, they will eat together what they grow by working in cooking workshops. A bunch of works that are produced in those cooking and regular workshops will be exhibited in corridors to spread the self-learning process all over the given site.
Corridors, as wide span spaces, will be open to a huge education exchange. Beyond its exhibition function, children also use those corridors for creating 3d spaces. By playing a game like Minecraft, flexible 3d parts and objects will be crafted and printed in the corridors by 3dBatiprint that is a print machine using polyethene. Also, this polyethene will be collected from Hugelkultur gardening spaces.
Huge-crafteliar includes many activities and space variety for self-experience and learning by doing, playing purposes of children and focused age group is 7-12 years old children to gather many children from different age groups into space.
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