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Creatisity Childrens University
Fatmanur Kanık
Creatisity is a university designed for children, and its name comes from a combination of “creativity” and “university” words. First of all, the surrounding schools were examined and noticed that although creativity is a talent that every child should have in the 21.century, children do not have this opportunity in schools. On the other hand, AGU is a university that encourages students to be more productive, creative and makes their students aware of global problems.
Based on these findings, in this project, it is aimed to design an education center that teaches how to be more creative and encourages children to create solutions to global problems by creating awareness. The target group was children between the ages of 8 and 11, both because their creativity is strong and because they are capable of carrying out projects. Creatisity has a capacity of about 100 students. During a two-month period, children will first learn ways to think creatively, and then carry out a project to solve the identified global problem. Eventually, they will exhibit these projects to their families and AGU students and have the creativity diploma.
While designing, the main aim was creating spaces that increase creativity and imagination. For this purpose, the spaces that integrated with art, game, greenery, outside were designed. Also, multi-functionality and collectivity of the space taken into consideration.
As it can be seen on the plan, it consists of two buildings, a learning center and an activity Center. There is also a playground where students can be intertwined with greenery and play. Then, the building's main entrance, on 2.Street, reaches the Learning Center. Learning center consists of three parts: administration, workshops and cafe. The cafe is centrally located as it serves for both buildings. The administration area is both close to the entrance and in a private area. The workshops are designed to be associated with the outside and the corridor. Corridors have been transformed into interactive and collective spaces by creating zones for art and play in the corridors. When it is focused on activity center, it is also used by Abdullah Gül University’s students. Therefore, another entrance was provided from Erkilet Boulevard. This building consists of two main parts: a library and an activity hall. Thanks to the interactive wall technology used in this activity hall, the space can be used for many activities such as games, parties, events and movies.
When focusing on cross-sections, it is possible to see the continuous relationship between spaces. Instead of spaces such as boxes, it is aimed to obtain spaces associated with its environment. Finally, when the focus is on the appearance, the grid window layout on the facade and the use of harmonious colors are noticeable. The goal here was to create different shade and color games in both the exterior and interior of the building. In addition, the facades of the two buildings are in harmony with each other in general appearance, although they are designed differently from each other.
The project contains 4 different buildings with active usage and 3 smaller security buildings next to the entrances for the site. The first building, the auxiliary one, contains classes, a dance studio/gym, a library and an observatory, scattered across 4 floors. A tunnel passes through the first floor of this building that leads to a back part where a playground is located. They are all accessible and have large curtain walls surrounding them. The auditorium contains a foyer, changing rooms and a control room. Just outside of it a cafeteria is seen where people can drink and chat. Close to it the administrative building contains a first-floor canteen which can be turned into a meeting room when needed, as al of the tables are puzzle pieced to each other. The upper floors contain meeting rooms, teacher’s lounges and directors’ offices and a secretary. Last building takes up a much smaller space and contains just a nursery and a counselling room for children to go through therapy sessions or talk. This building is surrounded by trees and is facing mountain Erciyes so that a more therapeutic feel can be achieved. The building has a visible contrast between the curtain glass walls and bare concrete walls. Trough the changing of the upper plans many empty roofs are created where greenery is integrated. The main paths lead to the classes and connect the two big entrances on the sides. The path is rocky and made out of natural cobblestone that blend in with the grass, resembling the traditional old streets of Kayseri.
The campus is open to the public and can be used all year long. Through having picnics under shades, gathering to watch children’s theatre shows or taking a look at the stars through Kayseri’s only observatory, this building aims to become an attraction for locals, as well as a weekend landmark for families. Children that will enjoy their fieldtrips to this mini-university will face a diverse and colorful environment, while understanding the meaning of a community.
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