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Modern Motif Art Creative Hub ‘’from tradition to digital’’


Pınar Şeker

The motif art potential in Divriği is the starting point of the project concept. In this project, we worked on a space where motif details that we can see almost everywhere are processed and reproduced. A creative hub, designed to transfer traditional motif art to the digital world and transform it into digital art products, is the general concept of the project. A general-scale square and courtyard idea was adopted in the project. Spaces with primary and secondary functions are positioned around the squares called central and secondary courtyards. The first idea adopted in the design of these spaces is the perception of flexibility. These spaces, which are designed with minimum interior dividers, can be shaped with partition panels according to their function and needs. This is one of the effects of the inclusive design idea on the project. Considering the places that appeal to everyone, it is aimed that they can be easily shaped according to every need. In the design, which has content that appeals to users of all age groups due to the concept, a laminated wood system was preferred as the building material. In this way, the feeling of tradition is provided in the building materials and facade movements in addition to the concept.

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