Urban Farming High School
Is it possible to farm in the middle of the city? It is possible thanks to this school, which allows students to specialize in various agricultural areas. Now everyone will be organic and urban farmers. Students who take agricultural counseling courses as well as scientific courses such as Plant Genetics will be consultant and inspector of agricultural activities in the region where they are assigned when they graduate.
It offers a conference hall, a multi-purpose hall (designed to provide social activities as well as a cafeteria) within the campus, two cafeterias, 8 theoretical classes, 4 research laboratories, 3 greenhouses and agricultural application areas of approximately 1000 square meters.
Thanks to the vertical circulation elements which is located in the greenhouses, the interaction of theoretical classes with the application areas has been ensured and spaces designed to meet the needs of the Z generation are designed.
The positioning of the buildings at an angle to each other has created two different courtyards, namely two different activity areas.At the lower level, the courtyard provided a more private space for the students, and at the same time, it became a playground for students to move more freely.