Performing Art High School
The performing art high school project aims to organize cross-functional flows and encounters that strengthen social relationships in education. In this way, it now incorporates the leftover times in the course of daily life into education through fictionalized encounters and interactions. Educational programs, having different densities and appealing to different age groups, are organized in their own autonomous structures or on their autonomous floors within the same structure. In this way, the circulation scheme becomes compact and effective use of time is provided. The circulation in the open areas of the garden touches open, semi-open, and closed areas where physical and cultural education activities will take place as far as possible. In this way, the students' social relationships are reinforced with instant encounters and perspectives. With the green area density, a natural fund is created for these encounters. An intense structural program was melted using the natural slope of the land, and the apparent volume of the structure was kept as small as possible. While the collective activity areas that do not need natural light are located under the ground, the foyers, social areas, and eating and drinking areas serving these areas are solved in relation to the garden at the ground level. On the upper floors, there are theoretical classrooms, teachers, and executive rooms. The internal circulation is provided by bright corridors with natural light facing the courtyard. This transparency is enriched by the glow and reflections of the wide glasses used.
By positioning the building parallel to the road, a wall effect is created, and privacy and security are created between the area and the street. The coating used on the facade of the building consists of granite panels found in Kayseri in abundance and comfort. Sunscreen panels used as shading and forming a semi-open area that emphasizes the main entrance are made of aluminium and are made to be durable and bright. The movable sunshades used in the south facade are presented to the needs of the user depending on the season, but the fixed sunshades used in the north facade are used to maintain the rhythm in the front. Although it is used for indoor air circulation, windows that can be opened on the upper floors and artificial ventilation, there are no windows that can be opened on the lower floor, and the rips opening to the corridor from the class define the air circulation. It is designed to serve approximately 200 people in order not to exceed the maximum 3500 square meters closed area limit and enriched with semi-open and open areas. The amphitheatre steps, which are dominant in the open area, are not detached from the green area, and concrete slabs were used as paving elements to facilitate use in all seasons. The ramp staircase positioned at the entrance of the building also has the same viewing area as the amphitheatre, creating space and seating for watching rehearsals. The theatre hall has a capacity of 255 guests, there are 6 emergency exits, and even in the school there are exits to the elevations on each floor to leave the building in an emergency. Sustainability was achieved by increasing the number of trees in the green area and even the area needed by each growing and concentrated city.