Food Court Social Inclusion Hub /Serife Duman Elek
Food Court Social Inclusion Hub is a form of integration that takes place in the processes of two different societies spending time together. The aims of the Food Court center are; ignoring their histories, identities and cultural differences, giving people a chance to address their concerns and understanding each other, to transfer the workforce consisting of women to the local economy, to enable cultural exchange between the same sexes, to be a unifying force by emphasizing that women's medicine is again women.
The project aims to create a representation of contemporary technology and design methods with functional and practical spaces that are compatible with the current historical site context and according to its surroundings. This physical project is a version reflection of the basic design concept showing the harmony of differences.
The project is designed with reference from two main axes. The first main axis comes from Atatürk Boulevard and passes through the courtyard of the project and connects to Kayaçkoca Street. Since the external circulation of the project is created in this direction, there is no obstacle that cuts this axis. Food Court has a unique entrance and circulation area thanks to its form formed in a limited space and its visual connections. The second axis is on the Kayaçkoca Street side to gather people from the historical environment and to provide an entrance from this axis. The second courtyard in the part where the historical mansion is located serves as a welcoming area for those coming from that side. The second courtyard at +4.00 level and the courtyard on Atatürk Boulevard (in the middle of the building) combine to form an active circulation area. Indoor areas serve as public centers and education centers. Finally, it can be said that under this unique concept, it aims to create a balance and awareness in 'providing the development of a sense of social equality and empathy' by targeting women with user profiles of different nationalities, to the existing spaces, and by crossing the paths of different people.