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Organic Trade Hub/Fatmanur Kayaalp

Antep has a multicultural structure from the past. The biggest reason for this is that it is close to trade routes such as the silk road. For this reason, it has hosted internal and external migrations since ancient times. The largest part of these migrations is due to the civil war in Syria. Due to Turkey's approach, economic potential, and previous interactions due to the war, Syrians immigrated to Turkey. It makes up about 21 percent of the population of Antep. Antep is a city with high economic potential. In this context, the aim of the project is to help Syrians to be included in social life and, more importantly, to meet their basic needs. In this direction, as a project concept, it is aimed to provide organic agriculture training to Syrians in certain agricultural areas outside the city in cooperation with the municipality. The reason I advocate living agriculture is to support a renewable system and to provide agriculture with the least damage to nature. Organic foods obtained from these sites are brought to the project area and processed here or offered for sale without being processed. With the project, it was aimed to integrate Gazantep residents and Syrians with education, processing, and sales at the focal point of trade.

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