Coping with Post-Trauma:
Kocasinan Spatio-Therapy Node in Kayseri
Sevdegül Karaduman / Oasis
The oasis is designed for the victims of intimate partner violence who suffer from PTSD. The project is designed for the victims of intimate partner violence who suffer from PTSD. According to researchers, victims tend to be more individual and run away from dealing with their emotions and this leads to anxiety and panic attacks.
The aim of the project is to create a warm environment that welcomes and hugs the patients by its environment and also with the energy of the places. When entering the building, a sense of space can be experienced by more than one sense. But the experience process is not very sharp. Instead, it is designed to heal the patients by collecting unconscious attention in live and changeable spaces.
The concept word “flow” shed light when designng the form of the building. An axis that is compatible the flow of the site is chosed. Smooth, gentle lines and edges mainly used because of the influence of the the concept “flow” when designing the form of the building. With the activities provided in the center, patients can socialize and also learn new things and new experiences. The materials are chosen for helping the experience the unconscious attention. The interior design focuses on the publicity, together with privacy. There are several spaces that patients can have time together and also spaces that they can spend time alone. The large openings and high ceilings and also small spaces used for supporting the idea of the sense of space.