Coping with Post-Trauma:
Kocasinan Spatio-Therapy Node in Kayseri
Nesibe Dilan Yiğit / Free-Doom
"Free-doom" is designed for women who traumatized from violence. The idea of designing a trauma center for violence against women led to searches for effective ways to heal without making women focus on their trauma in the healing process. Thus, therapy ways such as “drama therapy”, “music therapy” and “art therapy” were chosen. These functions came together as a whole socializing place for women while making them feel safe. Theatre was placed for women to express themselves to other people without feeling the boredom.
Socializing places are placed on the ground floor of the design with semi-open spaces. Architectural form of the design was inspired from the form of the area. Most common circulation points were chosen and triangle openings were implied on the connection points. Three main forms were connected together as they were made to go from enclosure to transparency. Floor plans were also designed according to this concept. While ground floor is for socializing, first floor is for accommodation and private therapy centers along with research offices. With free-doom women are able to feel free from their “doom times” to feel included and free from their traumas.