Coping with Post-Trauma:
Kocasinan Spatio-Therapy Node in Kayseri
Nazende Yaren Yılmaz / NATI-FUSION
The main purpose of this project, which was designed with the natural fusion concept, is to prevent the continuation of some traumatic events experienced by people who have struggled with drug addiction and to isolate people from these traumas with nature and music, gym and yoga, group and individuak theraphy rooms and workshop areas, while also benefiting from the nature. The aim is to create social cohesion. While the highlighted primary part is the courtyard that connects all areas, a guiding pathway is also connected to it in the same way. These emphases were supported by elevation differences and stairs. There are private living spaces for visitors who will stay permanently in the building, and the transportation of this part is provided by the part away from the street. Together with that, during the design process, the facades facing the active street were completely closed and the building form was fully conceptualized and analyzed.