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ARIA Musıc and Production/Ikram Elyazidi

This project is a music and music production center that encourages the young and old generations to come together and bond over music. The mass placements were inspired by the journey taken through the old town of Kayseri. The project consists of Four main masses, an auditorium mass, a concert hall, a dome structure with a rehearsal hall on the ground floor and a library on the first floor, open to the fourth mass which is the main exhibition and educational building. During my design process, I was inspired by the journey that one does in Kayseri by foot to reach the site. It was quite interesting to kind of be forced into walking through paths and streets that we probably wouldn't have chosen to walk through by choice. Therefore my project offers the visitors a

¡similar experience on a smaller scale. Having to walk through multiple squares designed to compliment each other when you only came to visit the auditorium. Or having to visit a mass to reach another. The Aria art center offers spaces such as music production and recording studios, a 1000 seat auditorium, an exhibition space, classrooms and a conference hall…

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