Threshold Contemporary Dance Center / Beyza Çetindag
Threshold modern dance center was designed based on the threshold concept taken from environmental analysis, and the features of the threshold concept such as not belonging to both sides, providing continuity, being a place of transition and movement, bringing two different phenomena together, and creating a border at the same time, influenced the design decisions. During the design process, three basic threshold configurations were taken as basis: between, in-between, and within. The design is divided into 5 different closed masses to break the mass appearance, and these masses are designed in angled forms on the facade and in plan to separate them from the surroundings. The masses are united by a circulation area enclosed in glass, which creates a transparent passage, a boundary against the environment, and various encounter opportunities for people. To contrast with the transparent surfaces on the facade of the building, a minimum gap was created, and the building was covered with zinc panels.