Assoc. Prof. Burak Asiliskender, Assist. Prof. Buket Metin
Gülsüm Oygur / NurefÅŸan Batmaz / Rana Onaran / M. Yasin AfÅŸin / Hilal Kılıç Aslan / Deniz Demir / Ömür Uzaslan / M. Melih Utkan
Master Studio 1 in "Develi"
Studio 1 intends to observe and examine the social and spatial layers of an urban form and develops architectural research based on it. The studio deals with the urban form and seeks to reconsider their spatial and social organizations, living attitudes, culture, and local construction practices in their former and current context to develop architectural research. The studio focuses on (re)production of the space and architectural artifact to explore its contradictions in daily life in an interdisciplinary context. It also emphasizes on identity, the role of society/culture, interactions of place, and sustainability for understanding the life and social/cross-cultural interactions over the use of the space. The studio develops alternative ways of examining, criticizing, and interpreting the architectures.
The Studio 1 aims to conduct this architectural research in Develi/Kayseri by following the keywords “Urban”, “Vernacular”, “Traditional” and so forth. Students are expected to examine the older parts of the neighborhood by developing a systematic understanding and representation of spatial and social organizations, living attitudes, culture, and local construction practices including the use of material, technics, and so forth. The outputs of the research are expected to reveal the former vernacular living culture and morphology to define future projections.
Develi/KAYSERİ ​​

Prof. Burak Asiliskender
Gülsüm Oygur / NurefÅŸan Batmaz / M. Yasin AfÅŸin / Hilal Kılıç Aslan / Deniz Demir / Ömür Uzaslan / M. Melih Utkan / Emine Yıldırım​
Master Studio 1 in "Develi"
Studio deals with an advanced design challenge to criticize existing urban pattern and develop interdisciplinary approaches on its spatial transformation in a global perspective. Studio focuses on a city, as a built environment, and seeks a new spatial design challenge to reconsider its social and physical aspects in a global context.