Inter+Hub/ Transportation +
Studio members
Instructors' Name
Nihan Muş Özmen
TA(s) name
Özlem Kevseroğlu, Melih Utkan
Students' Name
Dilara Pamuk, Beyza Çetindağ, Asmaa Mohamed Youssef Elmahdy, Asya Gizem Gürbulak, Ozan Fatih Emül, Marıam Aanane, Ikram Elyazıdı, Melike Nur Akyüz, Betül Ağırgelir, Şükrü Durak, Mehmet Şevki Dabbit, Omama Zayat, Jawahır Husseın Iman, Rabia Yiğit, Mustafa Ehven, Hamza Haıdam, Buse Akay, Promesse Abumwungerı , Fatmanur Kanık, Ichraq Sarkadı, Hamza Amr Mohamed Abouhelw, İsmail Özalp
Design approach of studio
The studio intends to focus on a local problem that can be used as a tool to transform the city in aglobal perspective. It deals with an existing building or a site with culturalheritagevalueandseekstoreconsidertheirsocialandphysicalfunctionsin their current context. Students will be working in different scales to understand the relationships between the urban fabric and the architectural artifact. The studio not only emphasizes solving the architectural program as a spatial problem but is also concerned with gathering together the technological and environmental design aspects. It aims to feel, understand and read the physical, social character or the intangible values of the place by gathering data on site by using different methods than interpreting and present them by using any kind of techniques such as sketches, analysis, collages, videos, models, 3dsetc.
Analyzing a city with its all components and developing the interaction between the design and the surrounding urban fabric. Experiencing the different scales of design and creating the local dynamics of the city and linking them in a global context. Comprehending the alternative ways of design as a research challenge. Creating basic rules of architectural materials and technologies in the design process, on the basis of economic, cultural and environmental sustainability and accessibility.Enriching the architectural design perspectives and representation potentials and comprehending the alternative ways of design as a research challenge.