Collective Dwelling in Bünyan
Studio members
Instructors' Name
Lec. Nihan Muş Özmen, Lec. Bahar Elagöz Timur
TA(s) name
Res. Asst. İlinur Can, Res. Asst. M. Melih Utkan
Students' Name
Esra Betül Ağdemir, Sümeyye Akkamış, Meryem Aksamaz, Marwah Talıb Akram Al-Anssarı, Semen Alas, Can Artan, Buket Avcı, Nihat Ayan, Talshyn Balgabekova, Fatmagül Baş, Ezgi Bayram, Ömer Bilgehan, Zehra Sümeyye Bindak , Yusuf Çolak , Yuşa Dartay, Nawal Dirshe, Feyza Durmuş, Muhammed Ediş, Safiye İncinur Gökçe, Kadir Furkan Hamamcı Khadıjah Yoserızal Jamarıs, Büşra Kabak, Youssra Kabbou, Semih Kaya, Derya Kızılay, Berre Kök, Melike Mutlu, Gaye Odakır, Yusuf Onuk, Fatma Bilge Özgür, Nurullah Sürekçi, Pınar Şeker, Şebnem Tan, Abdullah Topcu, Melike Şeyma Tuna, Arzu Üçler, Betül Yekrek, Vildan Yıldırım, Abdülkadir Yıldırım, Soner Yıldız, Buse Yılmaz
Design approach of studio
Architectural Design Studio-I intend to focus on dwelling problems to explore not only interior-exterior or public-private conflict, but also to learn from material, structure interaction, and the relationship between spatial functions and basic needs of daily life and new daily life. Design research into historic and current examples and context will provide a background for the problem of dwelling. The design journey is based on a holistic approach (the role of natural, built and cultural environments; introduction to function, form, structure, and the principles of space organization as well as fundamental concepts of architecture; critical evaluation of contemporary architectural works; mappings, modelling and animation techniques, etc.).